I've put off blogging for so long that my list of things to blog has stacked up! and I really should be doing other things right now, but dammit, I need to tell you what's been going down! so many things! and now.... another Aliya Random List!
- I got a space! In northampton! Working through Commonwealth Center for Change and their storefrontART program, I get to use a currently-available office space, that's in the sorta-basement of a building in town, on the bus line, easy to get to, and so big! It's perfect. Really, I am so amazed this worked. Thom, my committee chair said, "Aliya, you just keep surprising us." Apparently, everyone but me had been freaking out about what would happen if I didn't land a space, and I had just forgotten/become too busy doing other things to be really worried, and then it just happened! Julia called me up and told me that the building owner read through my proposal and decided to go for it. And now I have the keys! Thank you Goggins Real Estate! I made a sign which I will put on the door so I don't have to keep sneaking around, thinking the neighbors will think I'm not legit or something. I'm legit!
- This was also really amazing because it showed me that I really could not have gotten this project done without becoming a part of a larger community. I have developed a relationship with Commonwealth Center for Change, and through that I've met so many amazing artists and organizers, and also just seen how I could be a big force, asking for what I need and believing in how it can make a difference. It's like Julia and David set me up to be really big and important, and so I'm living into that. wow. thanks.
- I've been working back and forth between thinking big picture things, and then thinking lists of materials I should buy at my favorite hardware store. It's making me kind of crazy trying to figure out what to do with THIS DAY, right now, in this hour or something. Because I could get overwhelmed thinking about all these small things I need to do, but then I get worried I'm thinking too specifically about one element, and so the rest of it won't hold together. My committee advised me that I need to "move in" to the space in northampton. OMG. They are so right though -- I need to be making work in the space that I am transforming, and responding to the specific spaces instead of inserting my ideas into this framework. But, AHHHH! I was getting so comfortable in the Art Barn! I made all these friends! I just finished organizing everything just right! Oh well. As Greg pointed out.... the space in northampton is like 10 studios! FOR REAL HOW DO ALL THESE AWESOME THINGS HAPPEN??
- when I'm not thinking that, I freak out slightly. Just to keep this blog realz.
- On other news, the stuffed animals have INFILTRATED AMERICA!!! They are spreading wide and far and I am SO EXCITED to have so many amazing people in my life making stuffed animals! From coast to coast, manatee-vacuums, big-butt-rabbits, blobby-bear-buffaloes, dinosaur-giraffes, and whale-fish are being created! They emerge from these old fabrics and wow! THANK YOU to everyone who is making an animal (or more!). One of my super-awesome Division II Community Service Assistants, Dorothy, is just TEARING UP THE PLACE making so many stuffed animals.
She also discovered that the giraffe is a super-ergonomic new kind of sleeping pillow!
If you want to jump on this super-cool band wagon, let me know and I'll set you up with a pattern and some fabric!
- Angela (from Elsewhere and who now works at ReproDepot Fabrics) called me up yesterday and asked if I wanted some more fabric, and if I could come by that afternoon....um, yes! ALL PLANS CANCELED! I got to climb around fabric mountain once again, and this time I was really drawn to all the hot-pink fabrics. So I have a ton of white and off white for making tents.... and then all different kinds of hot pink. I'm imagining a hot-pink room. Maybe. or at least my after-graduation plans have turned to: Extensively Exploratory Series of Matching Hot Pink Bathing Suits for Everyone.
- One thing I realized yesterday when I was being Very Serious and making lists and plans was that I needed to loosen up and trust myself. So the rest of the week is the last week of planning and testing. I thought about it like I was back in February, and I was making an installation-a-day, and it was no big deal if it was good or no good. So I laid out a really big piece of fabric along the floor (something I couldn't do in the art barn because everything is so dirty and paint-y) and realized it was a really weird piece of fabric. Then I rolled myself up in it, and then tied it to a pole to make a little fort. crazy artists...
- Allison and I are going to make our own Passover this year! I was for some reason whistling a Hebrew prayer one night in the Art Barn and she said, "Are you whistling Jewish songs?? We should make Passover together!" So we are! I'm making charoset, and she's making matzo ball soup, and all the cool kids are invited. I'm really excited because Passover is always a holiday that we actually did in my family, and I felt like it was something I could really "own" as something I identified with. My dad made a hagaddah in 1992 with his own poems and versions of the prayers, and every year we say we're going to update it and we don't. So I'm excited to bring it to this new Passover Seder and add some other parts. Micah said we have to have some scientific facts to balance out the religion we're bringing into his house. I think it will be awesome.
- Side Trip: Art-Barn Bus trip to Boston to look at Art Museums! Luckily, they rented a really strong bus to carry us all there:
All the cool kids sat in the back and it was super fun. I had to adjust to thinking about art like a 14th century art critic instead of a crazy collaborative artist who is delusional and thinks everyone makes art, and then it was so great! I loved following Allison around because as I found out that day, she Knows A Great Deal About Most Things. She's also taking way more art-history classes than me. We spent a long time in this special exhibit which was lovely. I really enjoyed this part where they x-rayed a huge piece which was a picture of the birth of Christ, and realized that it had actually started out as a picture of the Crucifixion!! WOW! Allison LOVED this piece. I loved that all the women were wearing so many jewels and fancy braids in their hair. makes me want to braid my super-long rat-tail.... I also loved opening up to different types of art than I would usually look at. We also saw all these vases and ceramic pieces that had little pillows. It was weird, and I couldn't figure out why such a big fancy museum was presenting these pieces so lame-ly, and then we read a sign that said due to the vibrations in the building because of construction/renovations, they had to reposition some of the pieces. But look how cute this vase is taking a little nap!
Also, Allison is Mad on Color.
- A trip down memory lane: I made Tofu Poppyseed Cake, the epic subject of the Most Told Story of Aliya's Macrobiotic Childhood. For those who haven't heard: When I was little my favorite cake was this Tofu Poppyseed Cake. Mom made it for Kindergarden birthday... Everyone sings me happy birthday and then I am shoveling it into my mouth because it's so freaking good, while everyone else scrapes it off their tounges; teachers are horrified. I decided to make it again, now, in my maturity as a young twenty-something (wow, that feels so legit) adult. Results: I liked it! It wasn't quite AWESOME, and needed some apple-orange zest syrup (also dairy, sugar free!), and could use some more ajusting, but the point is that I haven't completely crossed the line to the Dark Side of sheet cakes. Some reviews from Expert Testers:
- "It's kinda hard to swallow 'texture'"
- "It's very mild, like gummy bread."
- "I liked it, but my belly didn't."
- "I like the taste, but I don't like looking at it."
- "There was a kid my mom was babysitting, and his ear drum burst, and the stuff that came out looked like that. It was all over the patio."
- "I need to get some water."
SO. In Conclusion, I am very blessed, I have such an amazing team around me, and thank you. Wow. Division III season is blooming with the spring, I'm getting Div III invitations in my mail box all the time like a really good valentine's day, and there are flowers and grass emerging and I know this is all super cliche, but I'm just so excited. When I'm not busy being freaked out or eye-twitchy.
Thank you so much for being a part of what I'm creating. I can't wait to see you all at the show.

(p.s. send me your address and I'll send you an OFFICIAL REALLY IMPORTANT GLOSSY FANCY invitation to my show!!)
(p.p.s. the website is still IN DEVELOPMENT so don't judge too hard....)
oh my god aliya - everything you are doing is absolutely amazing!!! I want to be that creative when I grow up! Love you to pieces!!
You are big and important. I'm that much more super-inspired to find community mutual support...why is that so darn difficult?
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