July 8, 2009

CONCLUSIONS. (and continuations)

I know I know, it's been ages since I've updated. I didn't even tell you how the event went! Well, it was incredible. I feel really good about what went down May 2. It was miraculous to have it all come together. My parents, the day before (they told me later) walked into the space in the morning and were seriously worried -- piles, trash, pink fabric, ladders, signs un-hung, the place was just slightly un-finished. What they didn't understand was that the key to this installation was impeccability and what we called at Elsewhere "sprucing". With a team of 15 people working and making things happen, a slight re-alignment of a pink plush brick, or sweeping the floor, or putting a table cloth on, or adjusting the lighting made a huge difference. and just like that, we were ready. We ate a delicious staff dinner, everyone threw on their conductor uniforms, conductor badges, we took a family portrait, Kate put the finishing touches on the guest book, Sharon showed up with delicious snacks, Dani brought the crossing-guard uniform, Mom vacuumed the place, and Kathleen placed the inkpads where they had to go. And then people showed up!

Here is a video documentation of the piece that my friend and delightful film-maker documentarian Joe graciously made for me. Thank you for this beautiful and concise evidence and proof of my creation Joe.

Right (Here), Right (Now), You (Really) from Joe Fenstermaker on Vimeo.

I am currently working on an interactive website documentation of this piece. My goal is to have a working website done by the end of July. It's going to be good. At least, it is really epic in my mind and in the scribbled diagrams I've made of what it will look like...

For now I have settled in Greensboro, North Carolina. I am working as the Community Coordinator of Elsewhere Artist Collaborative. Please take an internet stroll on over to follow my current exploits as my alternate-elsewhere-self, where you can read about what we ate for dinner, what has changed in the museum this week, and what community initiatives I'm leading up. I think this is an incredible position I get to take on after completing my Division III -- Elsewhere inspired and empowered me to create the community and the sense of play around the work I was able to produce in my Division III project. Where would I be without, "make Friends, not Art" ???

I'm here until November. At which point I go off into the world of unknown. Fortunately, I am armed with thoughts of artist residencies? educational outreach positions at art museums? forming a traveling collaborative troupe? seamstress extraordinaire that also somehow builds community on frozen lakes in minnesota? the it's-never-too-cliche-to-be-a-barista?

See you in other realms of the internet. And I hope in real life too. I really miss real-life a lot of times. Meet me there, here, (in blogs) elsewhere. (and beyond elsewhere)


p.s. I can't wait to include you all in my next collaboration and performance and presentation and installation... create community and art wherever you are! right here! right now! you! really!