March 31, 2009

(tiny post)

(a very small post to keep you slightly updated, with a promise for a longer update soon soon soon documenting the exciting, overwhelming, promising, and side-track-ing happenings of the past two weeks)

my fingers (thumbs) are sore from hand-sewing. I haven't hand-sewn this much since third-grade when Amelia and I made an under-water landscape needlepoint together. It had a mermaid and plants and fish and shells and so many other things. I wonder what happened to that.

THIS latest embroidery/quilt project still exists, however, and will soon become my official Division III Invitation (to be sent to YOU dear reader, granted you supply me with an address). I've been secretly (not really secretly) thinking about my invitation to my Division III show since I realized my first year that it was something Div 3s did. I am so excited to go into the mail room and stuff mailboxes of all the people I respect and admire and enjoy with this beautiful card and invitation...

What do the shapes/design remind you of or what do they look like? Or if they look like nothing in particular, is it an interesting composition of nothing? I'm not sure if my original idea really comes through... but it's not terribly important I think.

Also, I wish I had a really big scanner.

p.s.:::: MAY 2, 2009! 6-9PM!! Northampton, MA!!! Sullivan Square Building!! Suite 108!!! OMG!!! FOR REALZ!!!!!

March 19, 2009


Conducting, processing, recruiting, mapping, drawing, carnival-trucking, dress-uping, art-ing, poeming, eating, spinning, newspaper-hatsing, censusing.... so many things happened at last Friday's event and it was a success I think. It was kinda weird because it just started all of a sudden, and even though I wasn't totally ready it was already going without me. And the flow was happening differently than I thought, and everyone was interpreting the event as they would, and I suddenly realized I had to let go of some of the control, and just let the event happen as it would. It was hard to remove myself from the role of organizer and overseer of the event, and actually participate or do some of the things we had set up. I had to keep letting go of how I thought everything was going to go.

BUT. I had a great time conducting, and entering people into the event via the HEIGHT CENSUS. I loved seeing the beautiful sashes and newspaper hats walking around the room, the amazingly official Conductor's Badges shining on the Conductors' chests. People dressing up was a great highlight, seeing the costumes change as the night went on.

So many people from my life showed up and it was so great to see you all -- thank you. My advisor came and stayed for almost an hour and left with a big smile. My reslife family came. Hampshire friends and people I'd been wanting to catch up with for a long time came. And new friends came and brought their energies and excitement. Thank you to my conductors--- I can't wait to work with you again soon. Thank you to Julia and David and Haley for supporting me so much in making this event happen and trusting and believing in me even when it meant wearing a newspaper hat and for making me bigger than I can be even while wearing high-heeled red cowboy boots.

Pictures by Derek Goodwin.

March 7, 2009


A Very Exciting Event!! Orchestrated by yours truly and some awesome people, and featuring YOU!

Friday, March 13, 2009; 5-8pm; Downstairs of Thornes and along Kirkland Avenue

March 2, 2009

totally legit procrastination

  • girl-time lunch bonding had:
  • art barn water cooler installed:
  • art barn calendar of time:
  • mysteries solved:
  • shoes decorated:
  • journal decorated:
  • christmas/birthday/hanukkah/equinox/new year presents (finally) given:
  • friends made:
  • vicious animals warned:
  • oh, and some real stuff too (including kicking the SHIT out of PHOTOSHOP!):
(problem: I am now in love with a very expensive computer program)