February 3, 2009


Important Group of Very Nice Insurance Agents and Agencies and People have made their verdict: the idea of having lots of people, or even just me, inside this building which is not up to code at all is not a very safe idea they think, and so I can't use 98 King Street. Or at least, I can't use the inside. Supposedly the outside is still a possibility. But, really? more murals? why does everyone freaking love murals?

Not to degrade murals. They are awesome. In other situations.

onto PLAN B. um...

(why are my expectations always so incredibly high?)


Anonymous said...

I wouldn't call this a case of high expectations, crushed. This is just ordinary wanting something to happen and having your plans thwarted. Happens all the time when insurance people are involved.

Which brings us back to my original plan - let's lock them up in a cage and tickle them with feathers!

Seriously, though, does it have to be a storefront art space? A lot of towns (well, hip awesome towns) allow their spaces to be art projects. What about that gigantic town hall in Amherst? Is anyone USING that building? Or that weird house on Bay Road (behind the multisport) that I think belongs to Phys Plant but no one really uses. If property is what you want, there's no lack of property.

Unknown said...

What would Maureen do?