January 29, 2009

band practice

Have you heard about that new band? "Let's Be Friends"? They have this really sweet sound, and it's a pretty interesting story too. Yeah, the girl who put it together doesn't even really play any instruments or anything -- she just pretends. Yeah, it's kinda like an art project or something weird. But I think they might make it somewhere. It sounds kinda fun at least.

You heard right! "Let's Be Friends" is off to a great start. We have Will on the guitar, Taryn on the theremin, Elizabeth on the homemade-percussion, Phoebe on vocals, Micah on the harmonica, Allison on the spoons, and Aliya on the mini-xylophone. We are starting with a cover of "Girls Just Want to Have Fun" and "Stand By Me".

Not to be totally dorky, but it was really quite amazing to come to practice and realize that people had actually practiced, and that we were actually playing these songs (in some garbled manner) together. Being in a band totally rocks. Hopefully I don't get too caught up in the idea of it to forget to practice.


Tab said...

Oh pssh-aw. No band ever got anywhere without someone playing the shoe-tied-to-a-plank.

Lizbeth said...

Tabitha, you failed to provide some sort of 'shoe-tied-to-a-plank' carrying bag. Everyone knows that all real musicians carry their instruments in specially fitted black bags. You should see the set I had made for my 'lentils in pill boxes'.