- Combated a pink-eye infection induced by sadness about leaving.
- Gracefully introduced many extended family members to the many extended family members of my good friends and everyone seemed to get along and even enjoy themselves!
- Designed and produced a fancy dress personally tailored and fitted to myself to wear to Graduation.
- Made matching handkerchiefs for special people in my life.
- Cleaned the living room after my sweat-shop dress-making-and-moving-out-of-art-studios hurricane.
- Moved out of my home for the past year, The Castle, Mod 66. With lots of assistance and patience from my mom (thank you).
- Gave away and sold and distributed and pawned-off and threw away so many things I've accumulated. Starting out with a clean slate [except for the two boxes of fabric and project-pieces in the car right now...] so I can start collecting new things.
- Said goodbye to Hampshire College.
- Cleaned the Art Barn and found new homes for my enormously inconvenient sculptures.
- Requested transcripts from Central Records so that I have paper evidence that I did something these past four years. As I turned in my papers, the lady behind the desk cooed, "Oh, it's our artist! I just loved your poster. It was just beautiful."
- Began planning parts of our upcoming Ireland trip.
- Found on Craigslist, Obtained via exploring parts of WMass I haven't been to, and Installed even without knowing how it actually attaches, a car bike-rack onto my car (and have successfully navigated with the bike on the car not hurting the bike, myself, the car, or other people!)
- Returned a bottle of "Great Stuff" [please ignore the kinda-duche-y guy in the video] that I had high hopes for but realized I didn't need. Was reimbursed $4.49.
- Obtained a new notebook and new organizational system for my new life.
- Got the car looked at because of the rumbling I've been ignoring. Received an OK for Long Drives nod from very experienced mechanic.
- Became 2/3 protected against HPV.
- Fought a battle against the American Health Care System and lost.
- Learned lessons about the American Health Care System.
- Scanned all the notes and pieces left by people from my Division 3 show so they can be better documented later.
- Found a maybe-awesome-but-maybe-it's-actually-hideous-I-can't-decide-yet? bridesmaid's dress for Kerianne's Wedding next week.
- Went on adventures to Greenfield, Turners Falls, South Hadley, and Springfield MA. Was amazed at how green everything is in the summer.
- Said goodbye to western massachusetts and all my friends and familiar things there. Began a new wander-y portion of my life.